Stockholm Pride "Los Santos GTA 5 Mod" (2016) 2:24 (Sweden)

Stockholm Pride Festival is combating the violence in GTA by releasing its own ”Los Santos Pride” mod. This will allow gamers to have their own Pride Parade in GTA 5. It's basically the same idea Coke had back in 2006 but they actually created the mod rather than just a spot. Question is, how many gamers who play GTA will download and use it? They should do one for Destiny next. There's already dancing in it.

Agency: Garbergs
Creatives: William Löthman, Sedir Ajeenah
PR & Activation: Nasim Kabiri
Account manager: Lotta Thunved, Joakim Landin
Web developer: Mattias Alfborger
Scripting: JulioNiB
Directors: Sedir Ajeenah, William Löthman
Editing: 8-Bit Bastard
Texture design: TheFriedTurkey, Merfish, TheNathanNS
Music coordination: Nadja Chatti & Jonas Holst, Universal Music Publishing Scandinavia
Music: Alesso "I Wanna Know" feat. Nico & Vinz

Client: Stockholm Pride
General Manager: Christian Gerdes
Head of Communications: Jonathan Poll
Deputy Head of Communications: Rikard Westelius
Marketing Department: Joel Idén

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