Sting - "Tough Stuff" - print, India

This fragmented fashion shot for Sting Denim comes from ad agency 1pointsize, Chennai.

Agency: 1pointsize, Chennai.
Sharad Haksar : Photographer
Sharad Haksar : Creative Director
Anantha Narayan : Copywriter
Vel : Art Director

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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TDD's picture

A very lame ad considering the source:

aiiobo's picture

What TDD said. They had the right idea but lost the magic. Also, I wonder how many in the target market actually know Bruce Lee these days. Ten fifteen years ago, sure. But I don't know what is popular in India. He might still have a huge cult following there.

vishnu1's picture

Sexy Photography and Equally Sexy Execution

The vintage inspiration is excellently carried out, fragmentation has highlighted the intensity or has hidden the lack of it. Masterful.

I would like to differ from aiiobo, Dear Mr aiiobo the target market (in india ) not only knows Bruce Lee infact they worship him, come on man we are all third world brethern (dont I know you from your dingy house down the road at the end of the city on the other side of the tracks : )

From a testosterone junkie like me this one gets 99 out of 100.

(I did not want to sound like some professor type, so I used the word "sexy" no offence meant for anybody, gawd I am scared of Feminists ).