Starbucks prints "Build a wall" message on Trump supporters order

Starbucks encouraged their employees to talk about race with customers in a bold move to encourage dialogue in the United States, but that like many other political moves in marketing soon backfired on the brand. In recent news that will likely tarnish the brand further, a Starbucks has reportedly mocked a customer for wearing a Trump t-shirt. Instead of Kayla Hart's name, they gave her a cup that read "Build a wall". Hart tells Fox 46: "They shouted out build a wall and shoved a drink at me and then all the barisatas in the back started cracking up laughing."

Starbucks has issued an official apology:

"We failed to meet this customer's expectations of us, and we have apologized and are working directly with her to make it right. This experience is not consistent with our standards or the welcoming and respectful experience we aim to provide every customer who visit our stores. We have spoken with our store partners about this situation and are using this as a coaching opportunity for the future."

Hart notes: "I don't know what politics has to do with getting a cup of coffee, I just walked out because everyone was staring." And that right there is what we've been saying; give us a tall non-political latte.

I can't be the only one who longs for simpler times when Starbucks just made wildly inaccurate spellings of people's names on the cups. That was a genius marketing move right there.

"This isn't me trying to get people to stop going to Starbucks. I just want it to be put out there so people know this is what's occurring. I don't think it's right you should be humiliated for wearing a t-shirt with your opinion on it," Hart said. Hart also said she is still waiting to hear from the Starbucks district manager on East Boulevard in Dilworth before making a decision if she will return to the coffee shop.

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Starcucks's picture

Starcucks always tastes burned to me. We spend our money at the mom and pop places anyway. The little guy deserves our business, and they don't spew hate.

Elizabeth 's picture

Why is everyone so quick to believe this happened just the way this woman claims? I always question every story that comes out about a cop shooting (usually rightfully so too) as to whether it actually happened the way we first heard about it. But someone claims they were humiliated at Starbucks because of their support of Pres. Trump and suddenly all those who are normally saying when it's a cop shooting "wait to hear the other side" are quick to condemn Starbucks, not even just the barrista who put it there. From another post I've seen on this, she was there with someone else who actually was wearing a "Build the Wall" shirt and there was no laughing at her as she claims. I wonder if they have video. That would be good to see here. Or maybe get some other customers to confirm or contradict her version.