Stand Up. Take Action - The Knot - (2009) :31 (Italy)

173,045,325 citizens gathered at over 3,000 events in more than 120 countries, demanding that their governments eradicate extreme poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

Agency: Grey Worldwide Italia Spa
Country: Italy
Advertiser: UN Millennium Campaign
Brand Name: Stand Up. Take Action
Production Company: Cow & Boys
Tagline: Stand Up. Take Action. End Poverty now!
Executive Creative Director: Francesco Emiliani
Art Directors: Letizia Bozzolini, Francesco Fallisi
Copywriter: Francesca Andriani
Director: Anna Paola Avetti
Director of Photography: Luca Rebechhi
Producer: Monica Cadringher
Account Supervisor: Emmanuela Carnaghi
3D Graphics: EDI

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