Splendid chocolate "Naps" (2016) :30 (Israel)

There are two things kids don't understand the concept of and that's naps and dark chocolate. As evidenced by their faces. Great casting here, too. Splendid Mousse dark chocolate is something you can only appreciate when you get older. And while I agree as I love dark chocolate, and all its bitter goodness, I'm still not sold on naps.

Client: Splendid Chocolate
Agency Credits: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi
Client: Strauss Group
Brand: Splendid
Product: Dark Chocolate
CEO: Yossi Lubaton
Executive Creative Director: Jonathan Lang
VP Creative Director: Idan Regev
Creative Director: Yaron Perel
Art Director: Yuval Zuckerman
Copywriter: Orit Bar Niv, Ronni Azulay
Digital Creative Director: Maayan Dar
VP Production: Dorit Gvili
Production Manager: Gali Starkman
Producer: Eran Harel
VP Client Services: Ben Muskal, Maya Salomon
Supervisor: Yogev Atoon, Lee Bryn, Daniel Shvartz
Account Executive: Naor Azubel, Omri Sela
VP Strategic Planning: Shai Nissenboim
Strategic Planner: Lora Goichman
Creative Coordinator: Eva Hasson
Digital Creative Director: Idan Kligerman
Social Media: Aviv Melamed
Digital Studio: Michael Shely, Yossi Ben Aviv
ATL Studio: Yaron Keinan, Yulia Zak
Traffic: Ronit Doanis, Avia Ben Ishay
Production: POV
Post: Broadcast
Sound: Broadcast
Director: Roy Raz

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