IKEA "Meet the stars of the IKEA catalogue" (2016) 2:16 (Belgium)

Very tongue in cheek, this IKEA film in which we get a peek into the lives of the "stars" of the IKEA catalogue. It's quite Christopher Guest in its mockumentary style, with the humor coming from the stars whose "fame," has gone to their heads. Favorite bit is when the woman at the end asks if someone is going to do her make up, when she is supposed to be sitting with her back to camera. But hey--220 million copies of the IKEA catalogue are distributed world wide so they might just have a point.

Client : IKEA Belgium
Contacts : Miguel Aguza, Christine Vermorgen & Peter Jongert
Agency : DDB Brussels
CD : Peter Ampe & Odin Saillé
Creation : Ralf De Houwer & Jonas Caluwé
FR subtitles : Jonathan d’Oultremont
Strategy : Dominique Poncin
Account team : Francis Lippens, Annelies Nyns & Maria-Laura Laubenthal
PR – Press Coordinator : Kenn Van Lijsebeth
TV Producer : Brigitte Verduyckt
Production company TVC : Caviar
Director : Amir Farhang
Executive Producer : Ilse Joye
Producer : Geert De Wachter

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