Spitzer Call Girl's lawyer bites back, scolds the media for using stolen photos.

Updating the earlier story on AP distributing "Spitzer Call Girl" myspace photos - they've already been busted. Ashley Dupré's court-appointed attorney Don D. Buchwald has not only defended his clients right to privacy, but also called the thorny copyright issue into question in an emailed press release.

“some publications, in violation of journalistic norms, have used the occasion of Governor Spitzer’s political misfortunes as an excuse to exploit Ms. Dupré’s persona for commercial purposes by, among other things, displaying a montage of suggestive photographs of Ms. Dupré that has nothing to do with the Spitzer story,”
“violation of her privacy rights and federal copyright law.”

Full letter inside.

If you're really geeky, you can click on the image to fetch it in .pdf form.

Here's what the New York Post did with the photos, which they say "were taken by a friend for a modelling portfolio". They also posted "Ashley and her family" photos, blurring out the unidentified baby in the middle. They also posted a a bunch of her myspace photos.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robblink's picture

In other words.....c'mon media, why can you be a team player?


Neaner's picture

Good! Now the photographers who lost their rights that way should band together and take AP to court. I'd pay to see that, where do we chip in on the legal fund?

Dabitch's picture

God point, seeing as it's only Ashley Dupré's lawyer kicking up some shit about this - the photographs are taken by multiple people, so there should be more lawyers out there defending their rights.