SPAR : "_ngle _ells _ingle _ells"

Gosh SPAR Indonesia, you aren't even really trying are you? A direct copy of J&B's classic holiday ad ’ingle ’ells, ’ingle ’ells, which I have already badlanded decades ago when people began running wild with the missing letter concept showed up as a social media post advertising the grocery store. 

"_ngle _ells _ingle _ells"

The difference is colors and an underscore rather than empty spaces in the ’ingle ’ells, ’ingle ’ells, but otherwise, it's pretty much a direct rip-off of the ads that ran during the 90s in various executions for J&B. Let's pretend that SPAR never saw that, though I doubt it. My biggest question now is - do they sell J&B?

The 1993 version of ’ingle ’ells, ’ingle ’ells
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