Soft & Dri - Cowgirls (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

Another fine example of an ad "targeting women" that was very most likely created by guys. Note to the crew: No real cowgirl would be haulin' hay whilst wearing shorts - they'd scrape the heck out of their legs, not to mention the itch factor. Silly, silly city slickers. Nice eye candy tho.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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claymore's picture

Ok, besides our agency's copywriter/cowgirl almost kicking in my monitor screen when I showed her this spot (she possesses a finely-honed bullshit detector), I got a question to pose... If that "power stripe" on this gal-based pit stick is so damned effective, why don't they make the whole thing out of it?

Dabitch's picture

ha, cause then it would be like mens Gilette deo, tsk! ;)

oh, and for the record, when i'm throwing hay about, I'll be wearing my riders pants (not jeans, and not shorts) thankyouverymuch. Jeans hurt while riding bareback yaknow. No dancing in the stables either. ha!

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

How do you people know so much about horses, hay and cowgirls?