Social monkey business

Orangutan Nonja draws 80,000 facebook fans. For one raisin each.

Orangutan Nonja draws 80,000 facebook fans. For one raisin each.

Born 1976 at the Vienna zoo, orangutan Nonja eventually replaced brushes and palettes with a Samsung ST1000 digital camera including an added dispenser to automatically reward the 33 year old orangutan female with a raison for any taken shot. Pictures taken automatically get transferred to her facebook profile where some 80,000 friends from all over the world have gathered since October 1909.

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Previously: (december 7 2009) - just FYI, wrote about it when it was happening. It's a cool idea. People didn't seem to take it as 'advertising' as much as 'fun' and passed it on.

Samsungs Orangutang camera idea proves to be a viral hit

Nonja is 33 year old Austrian who likes to be creative. She's done some painting but now she's found that her camera - which dispenses raisins every time to button is pushed - has made her facebook profile famous. Nonja is an orangutan.