Seattle attempts to tell us rain is a backdrop to art

Most people don't want to visit Seattle and see their lovely museums because it rains 345 days out of the year and unless you were born in a similar city like Pittsburgh (like me) than you don't find grey skies all that inspirational. In fact, most people get super depressed and turn into hermits.

Publicis Seattle is trying to reframe that grey by suggesting it is a backdrop to all of Seattle's great art for museum month. Fair enough, except for the fact one has to walk underneath that backdrop and more often than not it's spitting down rain at you, and in the winter months, it's the kind of backdrop that gets deep in your bones and chills you. So...good luck with that.

Client: Visit Seattle
Agency: Publicis Seattle
Chief Creative Officer: Andrew Christou
Group Creative Director: Steve Williams
Creative Director: Scott Fero
Art Director: Julia Luplow
Copywriter: Dan Peterson
Account Director: Nick Schuitemaker
Account Executive: Johnny Wardell
Strategist: JP Martin
Connections Planners: Jazmyn Sanchez & Casey Sperzel
Chief Strategy Officer: Britt Fero
Managing Director: Jason Sullivan

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