Saturn Vue - Pac-Man (2004) 0:30 (USA)

I bet Ms pac man likes this car.

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brandonbarr's picture

Nicely executed idea, I thought, except one thing: they should have used the limey yellow VUE. Having every element of Pacman but the most identifiable--his yellow hue--left me feeling kinda empty.

claymore's picture

Where are Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde?

brandonbarr's picture

ah, right, forgot them too.

ok, they could be cop cars. or big SUVs, or station wagons or other cars not made of plastic or meanie car dealers or...

*concept falls apart*

hmmmmmmmm. I guess lack of yellow wasn't the only problem.

*removes "nicely" from previous comment.

AnonymousCoward's picture

yellow? maybe. It would have made the car seem too imaginary and not practical. Is it true you can get an insurance break for a yellow car?

deeped's picture

Mmm... this game was too easy without the hungry little fellas...