Directed by Lucy Blakstedne, a new Sanex spot is set to break in January 2007. The pan-European campaign celebrates skin and its natural process, through use of human bodies acting as skin cells. You can get sneak peeks on the web at SanexSkin. Hopefully you will have better luck with the video (which doesn't seem to want to play on my computer).
I find it unsettling to look at that Sanex photo. It looks too much like certain other photos I have seen.
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PermalinkYou mean
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PermalinkExactly, Spencer was the first guy I thought of. Didn't he do sanex before? Oh, no he didn't, he did a nude group shot at Selfridges in London.
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PermalinkThat isn't what I meant.
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PermalinkI know what you meant. *nods at TDD*
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