Samsung Surf - We are greater than I - (2015) :90 (USA)

Samsung and 72andsunny created this beautiful homage to surfing, in partnership with the World Surf League. We start in a dark rainy place, as the voice over rambles off their thank-you's in a manifesto, thanking the friends, sponsors, groupies, the surf fascists, the bad boards, the almost boards and so on. The gorgeous imagery takes us through storms, though waves, into the circle of a paddle-out for an old friend. You'll feel your fingers wrinkle by the end of the 90-seconds. Eliot Rausch perfectly captures so many things about surfing we're all familiar with, from crashing waves to painful wounds, to beaches full of fans. Surfers are different. Surfing is almost like a religion, but while you may know your surfing friends, surfing is also a really solitaire affair - something this spot shows the opposite of. The tag "We are greater than I" stresses the group over the individual again, which may rub some surfers the wrong way.

Sure wish there was a salt-water proof Samsung to go with this ad.

Ad agency: 72andSunny
Production company: Stink
Director: Eliot Rausch

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