The Salvation Army Helps People “Keep It Going” In New PSA Produced by Camp Lucky For Agency LERMA/

Camp Lucky is honored to help bring to life The Salvation Army’s new giving campaign PSA, “Keep It Going.” The film, via agency LERMA/ and directed by Jeff Bednarz, is a holiday tribute to the families The Salvation Army serves. It features real people who face critical choices and still continue to move forward. The film is an authentic, compassionate look at the challenges many face and highlights that when you give, hope marches on.

Camp Lucky Director Jeff Bednarz, who has collaborated on previous projects for The Salvation Army, explains, “The Salvation Army threw open their arms to welcome us in, as did the people who are their clients who we feature in the piece. We wanted to make this moment a special one and honor the hard work and dedication of both the Army and their clients.”

As noted on The Salvation Army’s website, millions of Americans are still reeling from the ongoing impacts of the pandemic. People from all walks of life were pushed into poverty for the first time – joining the millions who were already struggling to make ends meet. “Keep it Going,” describes, through moments that are both simple and poignant, how vulnerable families and individuals often face impossible choices between bills, rent and food.

Bednarz describes Bill Cochran’s script as the guiding light of the PSA, allowing for the documentary process on location in Chicago to “reveal the magic moments.” Those moments were carefully curated and interwoven in the edit by Camp Lucky’s Sai Selvarajan with whom Bednarz has worked on a variety of projects. Camp Lucky also provided color, audio and finishing support for the moving project.


Project Credits:


Agency: LERMA/

David Morrin: ECD-Principal

ECD/Writer: Bill Cochran

ECD/Art Director: Brian Linder

Broadcast Producer: Kathy Fawcett Martin

Brand Management/Principal: Jon Lee

Brand Management: Cassidy Wren & Chelsea Sweat

Business Affairs: Melissa Sinkoski


Production + Post: Camp Lucky

Director: Jeff Bednarz

Executive Producer: Brandon Tapp

Editor: Sai Selvarajan

Assistant Editor: Katian Kerr

Post Production Executive Producer: Jessica Berry

Line Producer : Evan Murphy

Audio: Matt Cimino

Color: Neil Anderson

Finish: Mark Sullivan

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