Rolling, rolling, rolling ... Badland!

Here are at your attention two creative visions:

Advertising Agency: TBWA/MAP, Paris, France
Creative Directors: Sebastien Vacherot, Manoelle van der Vaeren
Art Director: Stephane Lecoq
Copywriter: Alban Penicaut
Photographer: Platinum
Art Buying: Vanessa Barbel
Published: March 2008


* Released: April 2008
* Avertiser: Snickers
* Agency: CLM BBDO
* Country: France
Advertising Agency: CLM BBDO, Paris, France
Creative Directors: Gilles Fichteberg, Jean-Francois Sacco
Creative Supervisor: Edouard Perarnaud, Martin Darfeuille
Art Director: Paul Kreitmann
Copywriter: Alexis Benoit
Photographer: Dimitri Daniloff

I think it is absolute coincidence. Your opinion ?

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robblink's picture

Wow! What goes around comes around in Badland!

Goldenboy's picture


Dabitch's picture

Neat - both quite unusual ideas and for two so very different things. I wonder how they both thought of that eternal treadmill idea.

Neo's picture

Good pairing.

Lulka's picture

duplicants are not creative, but when they seel, I think it does not metter
But these 2 are quite strange