Remember the teddy bear bombing airplane? It's for sale.

Tomas Mazetti explains, casually: "Last year we got some offers to buy the plane we flew over Belarus. In our little ad-campaign that got hysterical dictator Lukasheno to fire his top generals.

We now finally put it for sale on Ebay. "

....aaand, well, there you have it. The teddy-bear bombing airplane that dropped cuddly bears over Minsk and caused a diplomatic skirmish is now up for sale on Ebay. Yes, that plane, the one that made international news, and appeared in The New York Times, Le Figaro, Pri, and Al Jazeera.


The stunt that got the Belarus airforce sacked for their incompetence and had Belarus expel Swedish officials over it. Yeah, that plane is for sale. 

The unconventional ad agency behind this, Studiototal, want to address  Lukashenko directly:

Dear Luke,
Why not buy our plane yourself? You could lend it to your military. Let them train your billion dollar air defence in discovering small wooden planes! I'm sure they would find such a pass-time MUCH more honourable than (like now) being used by an ageing dictator to torture kids demanding freedom of speech.

Studio Total promise that the profits from the sale will go to fighters for human rights in Belarus.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This should have won more awards. I don't remember it winning any.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

How much did it sell for?