Rekorderlig Swedish School - How it all began - (2012)

Rekorderlig Cider, a cider brand that comes in all sorts of flavors and alcohol-levels but isn't Snakebite material, has launched their brew in the UK and are trying to tap into the market by selling itself on... its Swedish-ness? Yes, in this ad we meet über-stereotype Olof Håkansson who founded the Swedish school, and a few of his blond über-Swedish teachers. They teach Swedish-ness, not Swedish. Swedish-ness includes knowing what it feels like to dip your head in ice-water. As a 100% Swede who has swum in ice-water, I'm not sure I find all the reindeer references as funny as they are making me hungry.

Rekorderlig Swedish School Ice Water dip

I'll admit, the "wanna go again?" question is very Swedish and kinda funny. The scripts were written by Frankie & Vaughn and the videos were directed by Apartment A Collective, these will initially run online in the UK, later this year the campaign will also run in Australia in the cinema.

There are Facebook UK and Facebook Australia pages set up for the Swedish school skits, and if they don't bore you to death you'll have plenty to watch. There are some useful Swedish words taught in the Swedish school. "Knullrufs" is one of them. You guys can keep your bedhair, we have a much better word: Knullrufs

Grooming though. I'm not sure if this is funny or a hipster-convention: Rekorderlig Swedish Grooming

This campaign will succeed in establishing Rekorderlig as a Swedish... something. Lets hope the punters remember its cider. Being a Swedish cider is far from a USP. My favorite Swedish cider is Briska which like all other tasty alcoholic drinks in Sweden can only be found at Systembolaget. To lock up the alcohol is the very essence of Swedish-ness. So is playing Kubb.
Rekorderlig Swedish School - Sport / Idrott

Client: Rekorderlig Cider
Agency: Apartment A
Team: Frankie & Vaughn

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AnonymousCoward's picture

I seem to remember a series of commercials for a vodka based soft drink starring two Swedish women that balanced the Swedish goofyness with a pinch of Hannibal Lecter. These remind me of them in a way.

SwedishVodkateam's picture

Me too! I can't remember what brand it was, but this was a UK campaign in the early naughts, IIRC