REFRIGIWEAR “Draw-In-Out-Lines”

abstract:groove gives a twist to Italian TV screens!

abstract:groove is proud to present this brand new commercial for RefrigiWear, an historical insulated clothing brand born back in the 50's in the industrial settings of New York's Meatpacking District.
The primal ispiration came out from automotive design, in particular the italian collective tried to evoke the most technological and futuristic side of vehicles development aesthetic, navigating between hermetic and nocturnal atmospheres.
Furthermore the abstract:groove creative team searched for an alchemic coexistence between 3D visualization and 2D mechanical (de)signs.
Additional lighting effects were created by filming in studio real lens flares, combined afterwards with CGI elements to give a most analog look to the final image.

Direction and Production: abstract:groove

Executive Producer:
Giada Risso
Director / Art Director:
Luigi Pane
Director of Photography:
Dario Ghezzi
Mauro Mastronicola
Motion Design:
Luca Wo Siano, Valentina Vicini
3D Animation:
Pierpaolo Mantuano
Music & Sound Desing
Franky B

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