Radox - Waterfall - (2009) :40 (South Africa)

These films were shot in Cape Town, South Africa. The locations were chosen for their year round green lushness - however the rain gods decided to make Director Jeremy Goodall's job a little more difficult, and after a stressful few days in rainy and windy prep the sun finally smiled and they had a perfect two days for shooting. The live action had to line up perfectly with the post, so that the transitions between the dreamworld and the real would be seamless. Jeremy even built his own type of motion control equipment as the real deal was lacking. It all came together in the end.

Client: Radox
Agency:TBWA Hunt Lascaris Durban
Production Company: feelgoodfilms
Director : Jeremy Goodall

Gavin Hong (Bladeworks) (Post production)
Michael Mina (Creative Director)
Graham Smith (Orchestra Blue) (Editor)

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