Radio Flyer "Super Race Car" (2016) :30 (USA)

Today is the first National Little Red Wagon Day. To celebrate, FCB created a charming spot featuring grown-ups, except not really. Slight little misdirect at first makes piles on the charm and ladders up to the "Imagination on wheels" tagline. P'sghetti is a nice touch, too.

Client; Radio Flyer
Agency: FCB
Chief Creative Officer: Todd Tilford
SVP, Creative Director: Myra Mazzei
SVP, Creative Director: Todd Durston
Associate Creative Director: Tom Flanigan
Production Company: Lord + Thomas
Director: Ben Flaherty
Executive Producer: Katie Roach
Production Service Company: We Are Famous
Executive Producer: Joshua Greenberg
Post Production: Lord + Thomas
Senior Producer: Celena Mossell
Editor: Ilsa Misamore
Sound: Jason Ryan
VP, Management Director: Kiska Howell
Account Executive: Darian Weaver

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