Puma Bodywear - The Puma Index - (2009) 1:47 (USA)

Way back in 2003 when those puma ads made their rounds around the web, Puma wanted to quell the spread of those spec ads and pretty much everyone who had the ads got a C&D. Those spec ads went too far for Puma.

This "puma index" widget doesn't though. Available as an iphone app and a desktop app, the three girls (or boys) representing NYSE, S&P/ASX 200 and the DAX take off their clothes when the stock goes down. "So when you loose your shirt, they do too". The real stock ticker with a twist is available at http://theindex.puma.com/

Looks like the spec ad creators of the PUMA BJ print ads were simply way ahead of their time.

Ad agency: Droga5 New York

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LeslieBAP's picture

So the chicks strip and do bouncy-bouncy things but the guy just stands there or pets a dog? WTF?

Dabitch's picture

Could have been worse. It could have been a bare chested dude cuddling a baby.