PSA / Don't be texting & driving - The Dentist - (2012)

A multi-tasking dentist reminds you to focus, in this comedic, yet slightly disturbing, Distracted Driving PSA.

Distracted driving is the number one killer of teens in America. This cringe-worthy PSA, directed by Olivier Agostini for Impact Teen Drivers, draws attention to this ugly truth with a little gore to grab the viewer's attention.

"The backbone of the spot was to create awareness on the dangers of distracted driving without relying on the use of ubiquitous scare imagery or graphic car-crash footage." Says Agostini.

"More and more people undermine the importance of actually concentrating while driving - especially teenagers," says Agostini on the spot. "People are so accustomed to being continually 'connected' these days that the standard five minute drive to the supermarket now includes sending two emails, checking Facebook, answering f
ive texts, eating a cheeseburger, applying lip-gloss and taking a photo while simultaneously uploading it to Instagram. And that's just on the way there."

Directed by: Olivier Agostini
Produced by: Bridget Colella

Client: Impact Teen Drivers (Direct-to)

MUSIC BY: Stereo Totale - "C'est La Vie"

DP: Aaron Biller
1st AC: Wes Waters
Gaffer: Tyler Slade
Sound Mixer: Jason Serrone
Stylist: Chloe Bartoli
Production Design: Stephanie Brytus
Art Director: Charles Rogers
VFX Supervisor/Artist: Andy Lee
Production Coordinator: Roman Guisset
Edited by: Olivier Agostini
Color: Eric Wollam
Post: CO3
Location Manager: Shay Rabi
Assistant Loc Manager: Jessie
Casting by: CAZT Studios

Dentist: Patrick Finerty
Dental Assistant: Clifford Bañagale
Patient: Allen Paul Barstow

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Ouch and eww!