Problem middle child in Target banner ad

The banner links to Target's Take Charge of Education, where they donate 1% of REDcard purchases to schools.

But the kid in the middle of this banner ad spotted on doesn't seem to be all that thrilled with the idea. Or perhaps he's flipping off his mom for that horrible haircut. Or is it the photoshopping of a disgruntled designer? Your guess is as good as ours.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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claymore's picture

The boy in the middle is obviously intimidated by the girl's teeny little noggin.'

claymore's picture

As for the "believe in kids" line... do some people still think that children are fictitious?

caffeinegoddess's picture

*snort* ok, now there's iced tea all over my keyboard. Clay you're going to have to answer to the tech guys...

silver3's picture

C'mon, making fun of these kids is like booing at the Special Olympics.