Pore Bore

Augh - this Liechtenstein poster look was over-used even before them pore-cleaning things were invented! Stop it! stop it!

Get rid of those bore..eh..pores!

found in the 1999 AWARD annual (Australiasian Writers and Art Directors). The agency:BAM SSB, Australia. Client: Kao Australia (marketing) Pty Ltd. I assume it was done in 1998 or early 1999.

Lürzers Archive (vol.2-2000) Agency: TBWA-GV/Company, Brussels
Client: Nivea
Made in,... well, could be 1999 with archives long presstime. Who knows really. *shrug*

Who came first isn't really that interesting here, though I do know that it is quite trendy for european (or perhaps I should just say "dutch and belgian")

Adgrunts to buy and read the Award book, like the buy the D&AD book each year. I mean really, this whole Lichteinstein thing is so overused it gives me a headache.. I find these funny since they both have an "idea" in them rather than only using the poster art for execution. Did they both go "Wow, I finally have an idea that would work so well with this execution I've always wanted to use!" or did one rip the other idea off? Who knows? What's your guess? Alert alert! There is another pore-bore out there! Anyone seen it?

Ah yes - our mate Errol spotted it!

Silver medalist (Outdoor/Transit/Posters: Products Services: Personal Care)New York Festivals 2000 (issue 9 pg 242)O&M Mexico City Client: Ponds Clear Pore Strips CD: Marco Colin CW: Javier Zapatero AD: Raymundo Valdez Illus: Alejandro Rodriguez

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