Play with your food part TWO

Oh yes - there are more ads where people play with their food. Seems we'll never run out of these!

Client: Oreidea

Agency: NA

Art Director: Bob Pullum

Copywriter: NA

Line reads: You grow up thinking that everyone is gonna like you. Then reality hits. People love potatoes.

Seen In: Archive 5/99

Client: Oreidea

Agency: NA

AD: Bob Pullum CW: Dunno

Line reads: Potatoes have it all. Good taste, good looks, personality. We hate potatoes.

Seen In: Archive 5/99

Client: Oreidea

Agency: I dunno Do you??

AD: -- CW: --

Line reads: I dunno, I can't read Japanese. :))

Seen In: Japanese Art Directors Annual 1998.

More funny faced foods! Though I suspect these ideas came from another source than the previous food-playing ads.

Two cristmases ago, X-mas 97, a book hit the Art books stands with pretty pictures of vegtables and fruit deformed and oddly shaped in such a way it looked like they had faces. The photographer behind the book was dutch photographer, who's name I have unfortunatly lost in an avalanche of emails... : (

Soon enough, Albert Hein, the main foodsupermarketchain here in Holland, had bags and napkins and papercups made by their agency BBDO with this dutch photographers happy vegtables as visuals.. And then the rest of these happy vegtable ads popped up. Are they the same idea? Or rather...are they "Inspired" by the same source? In the case of the Albert Hein and the Japanese ad I'd say yes, as the original photographer was used in both cases. The Oreidea ones however, could simply be another play with your food and not inspired by this photographer at all. But heck, don't let me dictate.. What do you think? Hit that comment button!

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