Earlier this week, the London Sperm Bank launched standalone brand, with the help of Colchester-based consultancy, Silk Pearce.
What's even more amusing, besides the quite obvious phallic reference, is that it is nearly identical to a logo I found on signage in and around Boston, MA 2 years ago for The Druker Company.
It's just another one to add to the list of phallic logos. At least in this instance, it makes sense to the brand...and is intentional--rip off or not.src="adland.tv/hallic-logo-and-unfortunate-name-combo">signage in and around Boston, MA 2 years ago for The Druker Company.
It's just another one to add to the list of phallic logos. At least in this instance, it makes sense to the brand...and is intentional--rip off or not.