Pepsi Max - Major League Baseball - "Clubhouse In The Corn" (2011) :60 (USA)

These ads only ran during MLB games, so it is full of baseball fans' in-jokes and knowledge about each player and targeted at them. Since I don't know a lick about baseball, I don't really know who each person is, but I appreciate the many layers of subtle nods about players from both past and present.


Though, it's not the first time that Pepsi retooled the "field of dreams" idea, as that happened in the darkly humorous ad of Superbowl in 1995, also shot by Joe Pytka. I mean, I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it, aye?


Client: PepsiCo
Brand: Pepsi Max
Spot Title: Clubhouse In The Corn

Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day

Chief Creative Officer: Rob Schwartz

Group Creative Director: Brett Craig

Creative Director: Marlon Hernandez

Associate Creative Director / Copywriter: Gregg Clampffer

Art Director: John Baker

Copywriter: Chris Jones

Executive Producer: Anh-Thu Le

Senior Producer: Mila Davis

Assistant Producer: Stephanie Dziczek

Production Company: Pytka

Director: Joe Pytka

Executive Producer: Tara Fitzpatrick

Producer: Vincent Joliet

DP: Joe Pytka

Editorial Company: Nomad Editorial

Executive Producer: Susye Melega

Producers: Nicole Steele

Editors: Tom Muldoon, John Murray

Sound Designer: Tom Stamatio

Post/Effects Co: QuietMan

CD/Lead Flame Artist: Johnnie Johnnie

Executive Producers: Carey Gattyan, Bob Nelson

Flame Artist(s): Ricky Weissman, Matt Stroub

Post Producer: Jessica Pierik

Designer: Marsha Movshovich

Sound Design Co: Play

Mixer: John Bolen

EP: Sara Hartman

Music Company: Elias Arts

Creative Director: David Gold

Composer: Christopher Kemp

Exec Producer: Ann Haugen

Production Coordinator: Valeria Scinto

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