Pepsi gladiators part two released

After Pink, Beyonce, and Britney rocked us in Pepsi Gladiator 1, Beckham, Roberto Carlos, and Ronaldinho take to the arena in a UK ad for Pepsi that cost 3 million pounds to make. In this sequel, Beckham captains a gladiator line of football hunks....

Other stars in the dream team: Diego de Cuhna (Brazil), Torres (Spain), Totti (Italy), Raul (Spain), Ricardo (Portugal), Van der Vart (Holland)

update: here is the 60 second version but don't miss the extended two minute edit.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Neo's picture

Looking hard. Nice Pepsi Logo breastplates, guys.

adlib's picture

I didn't much care for last years western with Beckham and the gang, I hope this one will be better.

CopyWhore's picture

But seriously, wouldn't the spot be funnier if the three footballers kicked the crap out of Enrique Iglesias?

Dabitch's picture

I might even pay to see that. *evil grin*