Pedigree makes little dogs extra perky - ambient sticker campaign

TBWA\ Hunt Lascaris South Africa created this little personally delivered stunt for Pedigree.

Pedigree wanted to create awareness of their Pedigree puppy formula and the nutricious energy it gives small dogs and puppies. Because the dogs are smaller they generally use a dog flap in the door to get in and out.

Here's the kicker, look where they placed that dog flap. Waaay up there. Yep: "We placed dog flaps on doors all around the suburbs. However, instead of placing them low where they are usually found, they were placed at the top implying that the dog had the energy to jump through the top. We also slipped a sample of the Pedigree puppy formula under their doors for their dogs to try".

Let me "put my client hat on" for a moment here. This door has no other dog flap, how do you know they have a dog? Slipping dog food under the door where dogs live sounds like a recipe for a really messy hallway - could you put it in the mailbox outside plz? I try to avoid getting bombarded by advertising, I don't know how if I'd get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing you just used my property as your free media space. Ok, that taken care of, lets see more pics and credits inside!

(My client hat is only half serious, put the pitchforks down people.)

The line reads: "Peak condition puppy formula"

We've seen the media of stickers on peoples front doors before, Miami knocked on peoples doors for Hyresgästföreningen in 06 for example. Might become popular?

TBWA\ Hunt Lascaris South Africa
Executive Creative Director: Damon Stapleton
Creative Directors: Adam Weber; Hagan de Villiers
Art Director: Justin Wright
Copywriter: David Edworthy
Photographer: Clive Stewart

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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tod.brody's picture

I shun the use of my property for any advertising other than for The Coca-Cola Company or American Express. They are both welcome to put as many stickers on my house as they please. :-)

Dabitch's picture

So, AMEX could get you a new welcome mat turned to the inside reading "Don't leave home without it" and you'd just dig it? Actually that's not a bad idea...

tod.brody's picture

Actually, I'm going to suggest that Amex make those welcome mats, and offer them free to Gold® and Platinum® Card Members™. I will of course give you credit.

Dabitch's picture

Dibs on all the awards!

Allan1's picture

I guess I'll have to get a new AMEX card - I suppose Discover won't do (even though they are owned by AMEX - is this still true??).

[This is so I can get one of those cool welcome mats].

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."

tod.brody's picture

Discover Financial Services is publicly traded on the NYSE.

Allan1's picture

As is AMEX. I'm under the impression that AMEX is (or was, in some distant past) the parent company to Discover. But I could be wrong....

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."

tod.brody's picture

Well, I'm sure Discover has gone through many corporate changes in the last 22 years, and AMEX may well be a major shareholder, but DFS is an independent public corp, just like AMEX.

Wendall's picture

I really don't care for this ad. Way too traveling-vacuum-salesmanny.