Pampers - Piano lessons - (1981) 1:00 (UK)

Simon is a bit cranky, and of course the other mom is there to help with advice and a product demonstration. "Other nappies are like a sponge, they wet through." While pampers, she declares, won't let the wetness back. "It's like a one way street" the freshly advised mum notes. And this leads us to the happy moment where Simon gets new diapers, and giggles, then happily plays piano. Or rather hammers on its keys. "And to think, before you couldn't play a note"


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AnonymousCoward's picture

Who on Earth keeps a soaked blue sponge on their coffee table along with a whole pack of diapers?

Weird that we're still making this kinda crap today. I would have thought that thing would have evolved over 25 years. But hey - you'll learn something new each day. Just not when your a Pampers agency.

Dabitch's picture

Their advertising has evolved. Ever notice that ever since the early nineties they never use the word "baby" in their ads? It's always children, enfants, kinder, barn and so on. Sounds funny when you think about it, as children really shouldn't be wearing diapers but babies and toddlers do.
Possibly the plan is by changing the words used, they remove the stigma from mothers who don't have time to potty-train their baby. When you can't increase the target market, increase consumption. The use of diapers is climbing up the ages now. Thank you procter and gamble!

full disclosure: I used to work on Pampers and spent many a day arguing for the use of the word baby. I lost.

Heather Cullen's picture

“Simon” is my husband. His real name is Ryan ;-)

Heather Cullen's picture

I am married to “Simon” and can confirm he still can’t play piano!

mochazina's picture

That is pretty funny actually. Must be neat to be able to see him as a baby in a TV ad.