Orangina - Channel surfing / vidéo mixe (2011) no subtitles :60 (France)

You don't need subtitles to understand this one. Someone channel surfs through various kinds of ads, for razors, breakfast, cleaning supplies, aftershave, and so on. All of the ads have anthropomorphic giraffes, pandas, cheetahs, wildcats and bears in them. We then cut to the man holding the remote control, as he's hanging out on the couch with his .... goat wearing lipstick. Because the ad wasn't weird enough yet.

Agency : Fred & Farid Paris
Client : Orangina Schweppes France
Creative directors: Fred & Farid
Copywriters : Frederic Raillard, Farid Mokart
Art Direction : Frederic Raillard, Farid Mokart

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