Nude advertising succesful gimmick

Ed Cancione, president of TSA (Totally Nude Ads) in Philadelphia takes product placement very seriously, and literally. Instead of making deals to get Reeses in the movies, he simply uses totally nude models, holding the advertisers product as a fig-leaf over the naughty bits.

It's an upfront advertising style that works because, as Cancione puts it, "nothing attracts more attention than seeing an extremely attractive woman in the nude."

TSA have landed clients such as the Coit carpet cleaning company, who ran an ad featuring a (nude) cleaning man dangling a hose between his legs. Cancione loves his job so much he swears he'll never go back to a traditional advertising agency again. We believe him.

(Depicted - the Drummond sweaters ad)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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blabla's picture

You must admit, Ed has a point - I give my complete and undivided attention to any attractive women in the nude.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I'm glad others think this is a fun tactic, here is my attempt made last year in undergrad involving Heather and some covering alcohol. For my next effort I would like to do something like this mardi gras photo except with beers in each hand covering each boob.

Dabitch's picture

holding the advertisers product as a fig-leaf over the naughty bits.

Sounds like those Virgin Mobile "Nothing to hide" naked ads , dunnit? ;)