Levi's no longer all-american!

Last Thursday Levis - the maker of all American jeans - announced that it would close down it's last Nort American Levis manufacturing plant, in San Antonio, laying off almost 2000 workers.

The venerable company has been shifting its production overseas during the last two decades, and today uses about 500 contractors to produce its apparel in 50 countries, including Mexico, China and Bangladesh. Still, switching off the lights at its remaining U.S. factories symbolizes the struggle of an industry that has been battered by the forces of globalization. from NewsDay.com

The Levis plant workers, and the North American textile and apparel manufacturers are not happy about the development. How this move will affect Levi's all-American branding remains to be seen.

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Robblink's picture

I think that would be a big mistake. A lot of people buy Levi's because of its American roots. I'm not sure, but I think it's biggest market is Europe and Asia.

The American kids are more apt to buying baggy Sean John, Mecca and Rocawear jeans. At least that's what I'm seeing on the streets of SoHo.

If this move goes through, how can Levi's justify their sometimes high price?

caffeinegoddess's picture

Tut tut Levis. It's bad enough with all the outsourcing and whatnot in the US as it is...