Not all product placements are wanted

The makers of Stinking Bishop cheese are concerned with the effect the placement of their product could have the new Wallace and Gromit film, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. The Wallace character is a cheese loving fella and in a prior film when he expressed a fondness for "a nice bit of Wensleydale", turnover at that cheesemaker soared.

Stinking Bishop is made at a small farm in the UK that employs only two people. The creator of the cheese, Charles Martell, is concerned about keeping up with the demand that will possibly come about, but he's happy for his cheese to be featured. Something for those small businesses who dream of product placement to consider.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I wonder if that would go well with Bishops finger..... (........or did the bishop get stinky because I pulled it? ;P)

caffeinegoddess's picture

hahaha. It might. I was also wondering if there was some connection to the brew.

Dabitch's picture

Yaknow, I'll have to try it sometime - it's "similar to Munster" it says on their page , so that does sound like it could work quite well together!