Nike women - Spirig / Here I am - (2008) 1:13 (The Netherlands)

For Nike Women from Wieden+Kennedy, Amsterdam. Directed by Edouard Salier we watch Spirig fight against mother nature.

Ad agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Amsterdam
John Norman, Jeff Kling : Executive Creative Director
Mark Bernath, Eric Quennoy : Creative Director
Betsy Decker : Assoc Creative Director
Anders Stake, Darren Watkins : Art Director
Betsy Decker : Copywriter
Cat Reynolds : Agency Producer
Corey Bartha : Executive Producer
Director : Edouard Salier
Production Company: Paranoid
Executive Producer: Claude Letessier, Phillip Detchmendy
Head of Production: Cathleen O'Connor
Producer: Anne Lifshiftz
Post Producer: Guillaume Raffi
Line Producer: Romain Staropoli
Post Production Facility: Digital District
Executive Post Producer: David Danesi
Post Coordinator: Alexis Vieil
Graphics: Julien Choquart
Lead 3D: Jean Lamoureux
Flame: Christophe Richard
Sound: Massive Music
Composers: H. Brouwer & R. Gommans

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