Netflix "Superfan" (2014) 1:00 (USA)

Ricky Gervais puts himself in his favorite Netflix TV shows like House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black and Lilyhammer, only to realize he's better off watching instead of acting in them.

Never a truer word more spoken.

Client: Netflix
Brand Marketing Director, North America: Gene Willis
Creative Director, Global Marketing: Trent Good
Brand Marketing Manager, North America: Blair Josephs
Senior Producer: Julie Rousseau
Agency: Ignition Creative
Executive Creative Director: Goktug Sarioz
Senior Creative Producer: Spencer Kaplan
Senior Agency Producer: Kristine Ling
Copywriter: Rose Chirillo
Production Company: Smuggler
Director: Randy Krallman
Founding Partners: Brian Carmody, Patrick Milling Smith
Executive Producer: Shannon Jones
Director of Photography: Bryan Newman
Line Producer: Cory Berg
Postproduction: Ignition Creative
Editor: Reina Holtzman
Producer: Dillon Tucker
Music: The Hit House, Scott Miller, Composer
Visual Effects, Finishing: Method Studios
Artist: Wensen Ho
Producer: Colin Clarry
Audio Post: Play Studios
Mixer: John Bolen

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