National Adoption Coalition "Twinkle twinkle Little Star" (2013) :30 (South Africa)

There are 2 million orphaned children in South Africa. They all deserve a second chance at a decent home life.

Agency: Old Shanghai Firecracker Factory
Agency Creative Director: David Taylor
Copywriter: Inge Blignaut/ Alison McCrae
TV Producer: Leigh-Ann Harris
Art Director: Siya van Rooyen
Production House: Frieze Films
Director: Marc Rowlston
Producer: Liz Dahl
Production Manager: Kelleigh Wessels
Casting Director: Marina Van Tonder
Lighting: Panalux
Lenses and Camera: Panavision
Transcoding: Pulp Films
Edit Suite and Editor: Marc Rowlston
Grade & Online: Ministry of Illusion
Music Composition: Injozi (Nick Argyros)
Audio and Final Mix: Kwajimojo (Jo Darling)
Financial Contribution: Dell

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