Subaru "Nature Painting" (2013) 1:00 (USA)

When they did the casting specs for this spot, did someone say "let's get a guy who looks like Mark Zuckerberg," or was that just a big coincidence?

Anyway, Subarus are made with love, so you can drive all over the world instead of staying home and taking painting classes. I'm fairly certain that's what the message of this spot is.

TITLE: Nature Painting
CLIENT: Subaru of America
Agency: Carmichael Lynch
Chief Creative Officer: Dave Damman
Exec Creative Director: Randy Hughes
Senior Writer: William Bloomfeld
Art Director, Associate Creative Director: Brad Harrison
Director of Integrated Production: Joe Grundhoefer
Exec Senior Producer: Brynn Hausmann
Business Manager: Vicki Oachs
Account Service Team: David Eiben
Krista Kelly
Production Company: Park Pictures
Director: Lance Acord
Executive Producer: MaryAnn Marino
Line. Producer: Aristides McGarry
Director of Photography: Lance Acord
Edit House: Whitehouse Post, LA
Editor: Steve Jess
Assistant Editor: Tim Quackenbush
VFX House / Online Artist(s): Volt, Minneapolis / Steve Medin
Telecine: Sean Coleman, Company 3
Audio Mix: Brahmstedt White Noise
Sound Design: Brahmstedt White Noise
“The Grandeur of Silver Sky” (Rebecca Gibson)
Music Supervisor: Jonathan Hecht
On-camera talent: Aimee Shynn
Sean Dwyer
Voice Over Talent: Aimee Shynn (woman)
Justin Beere (announcer)

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