Nat Geo WILD "Ryan Lochte has the second best sharks" (2017) :45 (USA)

Discovery Channel has Shark Week, but Nat Geo WILD has Sharkfest. It's number two, so it tries harder (heh) by being more self deprecating. In this case by having Ryan Lochte star in it and take a lot of second place jokes. You see, Michael Phelps is going to star in Shark Week. So Lochte, number two showed up for Sharkfest. It's Inception-levels of self-referencing here.

Client: Nat Geo WILD
Agency: Nat Geo WILD
Production Company: Superlounge
Director: Jordan Brady
DOP: Mike Svitak
Sound : Moe Chamberlain
Post Production: Arsenal Creative
VFX Artist : Chris Noellert
Post Producer: Pravina Sippy

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