MySKY HDi - The Hendersons Holiday - (2008) :45 (New Zealand)

DDB New Zealand created this campaign to launch SKY Television’s "new high definition set-top box".

Toby Talbot, Executive Creative Director
Damian Galvin, Creatives
Joe Hawkins, Creatives
Dave Brady, Creatives
Karen Maurice-O'Leary, Creatives
Verity Butt, Creatives
Carlos Savage, Creatives
Judy Thompson, Agency Producer
Claire Morton, Agency Producer
Mark Foster, Producer
Director : Adam Stevens
Editor: Sam Brunette
Production Company: Robbers Dog

Managing Partner - Simon Wedde
Group Account Director - Rose Thompson
Account Director - Danielle Richards
Account Executive - Brad Armstrong
Visual Effects - Oktobor, Perceptual Engineering, Dept of Motion Graphics
Lead Flame Artist - John Baxter

SKY TV Director of Marketing - Mike Watson

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