Mr Wonderful and Punkmouse team up for Out in TV & Film PSAs

Mr. Wonderful recently created, shot, edited and finished three breaking PSAs for Out in TV & Film, which began airing this week.

Speaking with dignity, the non-profit encourages gay and lesbians in the entertainment industry - from grips to A-List stars - to come out of the closet, and provides the support for them when they do. The TV spots - which will air on the LOGO and here! Networks, plus the Queer Media & Entertainment Conference and Out in TV & Film Web sites - spread the message to all.

In this first wave of the campaign, the three personalities featured are: Judy Gold, actress, comedienne and two-time Emmy winning writer; Kim Stolz, model, TV personality and mtvU VJ; and Will Wikle, Big Brother contestant and registered nurse in New York.

The spots have the personalities speaking directly to camera. With just one long day to shoot all three celebrities, Director Mark Littman got each to quickly feel comfortable and speak openly about their experiences. The result, the celebrities show a plainspoken sincerity as they explain why it's so important for the closeted elite to come out.

"Our talent was rewarding to work with," says Littman. "They all had fascinating stories, and needed little coaching to bring them out."

Mr. Wonderful got involved on behalf of its good friend, freelance producer Jennifer Howd, who has collaborated with the company on numerous projects. This was the chance to lend a hand on something she cares about deeply.

Howd and her business partner, John Baez, run Punkmouse - a queer-owned and operated media and entertainment group, which is producing the Queer Media & Entertainment Conference (Q-MeCon) from April 13 - 15 in Los Angeles. Out in TV & Film, one of the promotional community sponsors, had never done any ad campaigns before. The duo lined up the performers and helped out during the shoot, which took place at Mr. Wonderful's gorgeous new space in the Chelsea section of New York.

"This is a topic that is near and dear to our heart," explains Howd. "We needed a company that would have great sensibility and sensitivity to this subject matter. [Director] Mark Littman had participated in the Queer Media Conference last year in New York. I trusted Mark and his team 100% and knew they'd put everything behind it. Mark was receptive to the idea right off the bat. [Creative Director] Dave Holloway helped us with the creative strategy and boom, it happened."

Howd also credits Dustin Duke of Ogilvy for his amazing art direction and Jackie Vendetti of Mr. Wonderful, who brought everything together as producer.

Said Editor Scott Rankin, "This project is a great example of the kind of collaboration that I really value here at Mr. Wonderful. There were so many talented people who unselfishly gave of their time to help make this campaign work."

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