Early this Friday morning people in Stockholm, Sweden were met by bright Xmas red piggy banks that seemed to have invaded the city overnight. The little red alien piggy banks had a subtle message - when you shop at Willy's you save money, and you gotta put that somewhere.
The piggy banks will soon become valuable when they are filled with money our customers save through Willy's Christmas offers, says Fredrik Grüneberger, market
coordinator at Willys.The christmas campaign with the piggy banks is a part of Willys ad campaign during December called "Maximize Christmas". The big campaign contains outdoor ads, print ads, flyers and more. During the weeks before Christmas Willys food stores are filled with everything in order to get a good Christmas, at the lowest possible prices. Willys ad agency is Valentin & Byhr. The guerrilla activity is produced by Miami Guerrilla Agency.
Ad agency: Miami, Gothenburgh
Sweet! Sure beats those silly yellow/green/whatever elfs that some telecom company hands out here in Sweden.
Was this Stockholm only?
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