Microsoft Lumia "Learn Spanish" (2014) 1:43 (UK)

Edward is a British accountant with a dry sense of humor and a soon to be new bride from Mexico. Here he uses the help of his Microsoft Lumia and some very patient friends who watch him go from linguistically challenged to just above-the-embarrassment-level of proficiency. I like how the Lumia is positioning itself as the device for "regular folks," as opposed to the ultra hip designers that Apple courts to slavishly.

Communications agency:
Ad agency: JWT UK
Film Production: Casual Films
Directors: Nick Francis
Music: Yeah it's 'Crazy For You 3'

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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David Felton's picture

Only last month it was 'Nokia Lumia', now it's 'Microsoft Lumia'. Such a smooth transition; I'm impressed - and I really like this too. As you say, great positioning.

Dabitch's picture

Nokia what mate? It's been Microsoft wotsit for at least a year in the states, where the name Nokia was fazed out a while ago. AND THANK GOODNESS because I never want to hear this sound logo again.

David Felton's picture

My next phone will probably be a Microsoft Lumia, namely because they sent me a free one to try earlier in the year - and it's a great phone.