McDonald's يلا ماكدونالدز؟ - Fancy a McDonalds? (2023) :60 (Qatar)

Do you remember McDonald's "#Raiseyourarches" commercial? Of course, you do, that was the best storming out of the office since the CEO of Tango picked a fight with a French foreign exchange student.

Well, it's been localized - that is, shot again, scene by scene, to fit another country. Mcdonald's in Arabia is currently airing this in Qatar. Shot in Doha, all the actors are local residents with local dress, like the thobe, gutra, abaya, and shayla. I love the attention to detail here with the colors in the dress of each character. It also proves that a universal idea really is universal, even if you will need to localize it to suit the country where it airs.

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