Lyft "Thank you, Lamont" (2017) 1:52 (USA)

Lamont is a Lyft driver. He's had some dark times in the past, but moving to Seattle got him back on track, as did the love of his daughter. Lamont's one of those people who loves the world. So much so he's learned how to say "A pleasure to meet you," in several languages including Mandarin. His dream is to see the world, and hit every continent. Thanks to Lyft and some amazing fans who nominated him, Lamont is going to go around the world. Just goes to show that when you are a blessing to others, it comes back.

Clients: Lyft
Director of Creative Production - Topher Lorette
Associate Creative Director, Copy Writer - Brian Button
Associate Creative Director, Art Director - Morten Halvarsen
Senior Creative Producer - Alex Doty
Operations manager, Pacific Northwest - Stephanie Cook

Production Company: Strike Anywhere
Director/DP - Joshua Z Weinstein
Executive Producer - Cori Cooperider
Line Producer - Maya Owings

Editor - Matt O’Donnell
Post Producer - Maya Owings

Color - Ayumi Ashley, MFD
Mix - Joel Raabe, MFD
Conform - Matt Notaro, MFD
Producers - Nick Castillo & Carissa Quiambao, MFD

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