LPG endermologie® - Fight for natural beauty / Mask (2017) :90 (France)

In this beautifully creepy ad we are introduced to a woman with an immobilised face. It's either the celebutante Amanda Lepore who once danced for M.A.C. makeup and had a (nude!) love affair with pink lipstick, or it's a silicone mask like the ones used by Jean-Pierre Khazen in this 2001 Diesel campaign.

Either way, the doll-face supposed Amanda plays the part to perfection. All emotion is conveyed via Amanda's eyes and jerky slightly robotic movements, while a ventriloquist's dummy speaks the lines. "I'm gorgeous, and I just can't help it. When I see women my age with all those wrinkles, I say to myself: goodness girls! Do something!"

Every detail in this ad is perfectly acted and art directed to be both beautiful and slightly creepy. Amanda is dressed to the nines in a room that seems to belong in a palace. A servant calls, and discreetly closes the double doors. There's silver frames, art on the walls, silk scarves and big earrings. As we slowly pull out, the ventriloquist dummy is revealed as the one doing all the talking, while Amanda's face still hasn't moved. "Never leave your face bare of emotions" the super tells us, before we learn about LPG's patented technology Endermology that purportedly stimulates your own cells to refresh and stay young.

Whether it's Amanda or not the press release does not say, but we all know that the real Amanda Lepore has done extreme things to achieve that look and is well aware of the doll like status, cheekily naming their memoir "Doll Parts." In the end, the ad is mesmerising and perfectly paced, so you can not look away. The newfangled laser idea is the alternative to the strange fat and silicone injections we've seen ruin the faces of celebrities for years.

Ad Agency: Buzzman
President and Executive Creative Director: Georges Mohammed-Chérif
Vice-President: Thomas Granger
Associate Director: Julien Levilain
Artistic Director: Julien Doucet
Copywriter: Lilian Moine
Creative Assistant: Thibault Picot
Account Director: Xavier Devaux Landragin
Strategic Planner: Renaud Berthe
Head of PR & Communication: Amélie Juillet
PR & Communication Assistant: Victoria Morin
PR & Communication Assistant: Kenza Bennani
Head of TV Production: Vanessa Barbel
TV Production: Géraldine Bourguignat
Production: GANG FILMS
Sound Production: Schmooze
Director: Johnny Green
Producer: Jean Villiers
Post Producer: Julien Daniel
Post Production: GANG FILMS

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I love that Amanda makes fun of herself.