Liquid Prell Shampoo - Come to isle of green - (1973)

Could this ad be any trippier? With white-dressed fairy-like ladies seemingly floating above green water, and the voices then. I wonder what kind of "isle of green" the creatives had in mind.


Totally useless trivia: Maud Adams is from my parent's hood, and my father dated her before mom came along. You know what they say, date a brunette, marry a blond. Oh, wait, it's the other way around? My dad liked to be different.

Client: Liquid Prell
Ad agency: Wells, Rich, Greene

principal talent: The lady in the middle is Maud Adams

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ILoveADs's picture

Wow, Maud was quite the looker. All of these models are, I love the hairstyles.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

I've been searching for this ad forever! Maud was the bomb!