Link Lust: There she was just a-linkin' down the street

What the heck is that campaign really selling? All I've learned so far is that bunnies are prone to temper tantrums when stressed and frickin' cute with their tongues sticking out. I'm not sure what to buy now. Maybe some carrots.

Things You Can't Do Coked Up, and I have only one to add: "read that three page blog in it's entirety". What? Coked up is advertising related. Don't pretend you don't know what I mean.

Meatwater - oh my. Go around and read the product descriptions. It'll take you a while to find that it's a photographer's publicity piece. Nice work, and really icky product idea. :)

Also, don't miss the USA political election logos 2008 - 1960 - blue, blue, blue, blue, some more blue a dash of red and a weeee one with yellow.

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