Fred & Farid Paris have created this campaign, seven patterns with food items that would look quite delish on any table, to underscore the thought that Lesieur's oils and condiments really "magnify every flavor" and should be on every table. The mayonnaise one actually made me hungry for eggs. Mmmmm..... Condiments...
Title of the Campaign : MAGNIFIES EVERY FLAVOUR
Creative Directors : Fred & Farid
Copywriters : Frédéric Raillard, Farid Mokart, Feng Huang
Art Directors : Feng Huang, Laurent Leccia
Advertiser's Supervisor : Véronique Tassigny, David Garbous , Hélène
Montibert-Courier, Marina Testu, Franck Lecetre
Agency Supervisors : Pascal Crifo, Augustin Zeller, Claire Morel
Photographers : Nicolas Bertherat, Thierry Calba, Grigroi Rassinier,
François Ha Minh Tinh
Art Buyer : Marie Moulin